Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Four New IPhone 4 Apps

The latest Apple iPhone 4 apps are starting to become more convenient. From flash to hearing the waves roar, they keep rolling out from the developers. Read more here on the latest iPhone 4 apps and see if one interests you.

A brand new programmer at the tender age of 15 has a creative new app for the iPhone 4. It is called the “Strobe Pro” app. It does pretty much what its name describes. It makes the LED on the back of the iPhone 4 flash at various speeds. You get slow, medium, fast and “really fast”. What is this useful for ? It could be used to help you find your keys at night. It could be used to startle a would-be robber. It could be used for a regular flashlight. The Strobe Pro can be used with or without the camera. The cost ? It is 99 cents in the iTunes store.

Another iPhone 4 app that many will like is “Auto Adjust”. This is another personally-developed app that makes dull photos bright again. If you have ever taken a photo around sunset or sunrise outside, you know how dark they can be. If they are too dark for your liking, you can download this app from the iTunes store and make them look normal. Auto Adjust is also equipped with color correction features that make it more attractive. It works with images of any size if you use this with an iPad. IPhone users are limited to images less than 1600 by 1200 pixels. The price on this app is also 99 cents.

One very popular iPhone 4 app you may not have heard of yet is “Ambiance”, by Urban Apps. This one is categorized an “environment enhancer”. It is similar to a mood light, but works for your ears. There are over 1000 sounds in the Ambiance iPhone app that you can play. It creates an atmosphere that you choose with a background sound. New sounds are being added constantly. The app will only download the sounds you want and the download is free. You will have to pay your carrier for normal file downloads if you are using their network. You can categorize sounds, customize alarms and create playlists. This is an award-winning app and costs $2.99 dollars.

Last but not least is the Twitter iPhone 4 app. This is a free app by the ever-popular web site called Twitter. You are connected in real time to anyone in the world, thanks to their new app. You can update, share graphics and video, send DMs and more. This Twitter app has the “trending” feature, so users are kept up to date on what is going on in the world. You will need to have your own Twitter account to use this app. It not only works with iPhone 4, it also works with iPad and iTouch.

There will be great deal more iPhone 4 apps coming out this year. Apple and Google both are cranking them out furiously. The time has probably already arrived that anyone can find at least one app they like for their new iPhone at the iTunes store.
designed by sabir


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